Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Surah Al Baqarah (2:148) – Can Allah do everything? Allah has power over all things

وَلِكُلٍّ وِجْهَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّيهَا فَاسْتَبِقُواْ الْخَيْرَاتِ أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُواْ يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللّهُ جَمِيعًا إِنَّ اللّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

And every one has a direction to which he should turn, therefore hasten to (do) good works; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together; surely Allah has power over all things.

M.H.Shakir's Qur'an Translation


To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.

Yusuf Ali's Qur'an Translation


And each one hath a goal toward which he turneth; so vie with one another in good works. Wheresoever ye may be, Allah will bring you all together. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things

Pickthall's Quran Translation



In the above translations if we go into depth there is difference between them. Infact translating the above verse as Allah has power over all things (like Pickthall did) isn't correct.

means verily

means ALLAH

means over

كُلِّ شَيْءٍ
means all things

means power


Instead of directly saying that ALLAH can do all things there is a great logic in saying that ALLAH has power over all things. Once during my academic career a teacher asked the class and said , " We know from the Qur'an thatإِنَّ اللّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِير
meaning ALLAH is able to do all things; Can ALLAH create a stone which he himself can't lift?"

I, aware of the answer, corrected the translation of the teacher and said, "ALLAH never said that HE can do all things. Saying that would have made the QUR'AN wrong and created confusions."

  • Can ALLAH throw anything out of his domain?
  • Can ALLAH sleep?
  • Can ALLAH create someone just like HIM?

That is why ALLAH says that He has control (power) over all things instead of saying that he is able to do all things would have created confusions. Atheists pose the same question to the Muslims to create confusions in their mind. If we don't know the correct translation then we can get confused.

Does ALLAH have control over me?

I can move freely. Does ALLAH have control over my hands? I can look wherever I want. Here the point to be clarified is that there are few things in which ALLAH gives us some freedom and in few things, he does not. Do we have control over our death? Can we live as long as we want? No! Certainly no. In few things ALLAH gives us free will and is testing us do we use our own will to do good things or bad things?

A glimpse of 'all things'

Although our galaxy, the Milky Way, is truly enormous by Earthly standards, it is quite insignificant compared to the entire Universe. It takes light about 60,000 years to flash across the Milky Way, but this is only a brief instant compared to the it time it takes it to flash across the visible universe, 30 billion years whereas the age of earth is 'only' 4.5 billion years and Big Bang too 13.7 billion years ago.

Our galaxy, of course, is only one among many billions. Studies of large-scale structure of the universe show that there is definite structure in the universe as far as we can possibly observe. Galaxies; the building blocks of universe, are not simply distributed randomly here and there, as in so many marbles in a bag, nor do they resemble a disorganized swarm of dust particles floating aimlessly in space. Independent of each other, but vast majority of them are organized into large orderly collections, clusters and super clusters, consisting of thousands, moving in unison, as it were. They are then gathered in regular patterns that look almost foam-like or sponge-like in appearance. Latest studies of the large scale structure, both in the northern and southern hemisphere confirm that galaxies are distributed on sheets, bubbles or filaments with huge voids in between. These voids, as large as 400 million light years across, are not rare but are in fact a common feature of the universe.

One of the biggest of these voids, hole in space, is the so-called "Hole in Boots" with a volume of 10 trillion cubic light years and with hardly any galaxy in it. To give you an idea of the vastness of this gigantic hole, it is big enough to contain well over a billion galaxies the size of our own Milky Way.

One of the biggest of the structures is the Virgo Supercluster, containing thousands of galaxies, including our own Local Group, which in turn includes the Milky Way. All moving at 600 km/second toward what appears to be a vast aggregation of matter, dubbed "Great Attractor", located 150 million light years from the Milky Way and containing the equivalent of, tens of thousands of galaxies, more than a quadrillion times the mass of the Sun.

Virgo Supercluster measurements now confirm that the average mass per galaxy is several trillion solar mass and not just a 100 billion or so previously thought. Our own Milky Way, for example, has at least 100 billion Solar sized star but weighing at least one trillion Solar mass. The rest of the mass being invisible, the so-called Dark matter, nature and identity of which is yet to be determined, one of the many unsolved puzzles of Cosmology.


These numbers are stunning in a variety of ways. They show the magnificent hierarchical structure of the Universe, as well as the enormity of the structures and mass. They also show the vastness of the universe. As massive as these galaxies and structures are, the universe is so vast that when visible mass of all objects in the Universe are added up we obtain an average density of only 10^-31 gm/cm^3. An earth-sized balloon of it would weigh no more than one flea. Of course, there is tremendous amount of Dark matter, add all that up and we have at least a tenfold increase, a mind boggling amount of mass of various forms, yet an Earth sized volume of it would now, weigh about ten fleas!! That is why a hadith of the prophet says that , "This Universe is not more than a mosquito's wing in the eyes in ALLAH's eyes"

By كُلِّ شَيْءٍ this is what ALLAH says not only this mere Earth, the whole universe, seen and unseen is in his control.


Unimaginable 'Control'

Let us see what sort of control ALLAH has. As tremendous as these numbers are we need not go into the deepest space or farthest corner of the Universe to appreciate the Majesty and power of God and to praise His Glory. All around us, in our bodies, wherever we look we have one of the densest objects in the entire universe, the nucleus of the atom and we have some of the emptiest regions (without getting too technical), anywhere in the universe, the atom itself. The volume of a typical atom is 10^15 times larger than the volume of its nucleus. For comparison, if we enlarge the atom to the size of Empire State Building, its nucleus would be no larger than a grain of sand at the center comprising over 99% of the weight of the atom. So keep in mind, your body, this paper you are reading, the chair you are sitting are all nothing but vast regions of virtually empty space surrounding an infinitesimally small nucleus. (Excerpted with slight modifications from Hussain Kowserri's article "At the center of immensities")

The proceeding also explains why, for example, a neutron star weighs so tremendously, a tablespoon of it weighing many billions of tons. Calculations predict that a neutron star is perhaps only 10 to 20 km in diameter yet it retains all the mass of star's core at least 14 times the full mass of the sun. The density of such mass can be as high as 10^15 grams/cubic centimeter (1,000,000,000,000,000 grams/cubic centimeter).Stars with about 8-30 solar mass do not die a calm and peaceful death when they reach the end of their lives. At that point, the force of Gravity is so tremendous and the star so defenseless, that gravity totally crushes all the atoms all the way to the nucleus leaving only the nucleus that now consists primarily of neutrons (thus the name neutron star). This process will reduce the size of a once mighty and giant star, many times bigger than sun, to only 10-20 kilometers in diameter. (These facts regarding the neutron star can be well seen in the books on astronomy and in Encarta Encyclopedia).



Allah says, "Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has charge over every thing. His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; and (as for) those who disbelieve in the communications of Allah, these it is that are the losers "

(Surah Zumar 39:62-63)


Similar Ayats

There are 35 Ayaats containing the words عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِير
are Surah Baqarah (2:20), (2:106), (2:109), (2:148), (2:259), (2:284), Surah Ale Imran (3:26), (3:29), (3:165), (3:189), Surah Maida (5:17), (5:19), (5:40), (5:120), Surah Anaam (6:17), Surah Anfaal (8:41), Surah Tawba (9:39), Surah Hood (11:4), Surah Nahl (16:77), Surah Hajj (22:6), Surah Noor (24:45), Surah Anqaboot (29:20), Surah Room (30:50), Surah Ahzaab (33:27),Surah Faatir (35:1), Surah Fussilat (41:39), Surah Shura (42:9), Surah Ahqaaf (43:33), Surah Fatah (48:21), Surah Hadeed (57:2), Surah Hahshr (59:6), Surah Taghabun (64:1), Surah Talaq (65:12), Surah Tehreem (66:8), Surah Mulk (67:1).



See the complete list of Scientific Miracles in Surah Baqarah here


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Zaheer said...


Anonymous said...

Allah can do all
name Agim hamiti

Anonymous said...

allah can do all
allah knows all

Anonymous said...

Allah can do all
Allah knows all
Allah hear all
Allah see all

Anonymous said...

allah hears all
allah sees all

Anonymous said...

Jazak Allah.

Anonymous said...

If u were confused by pickthalls translation the read a different translation. Alhumdulillah may Allah SWT have mercy on him hes translated it so people may understand the word of God and insha'Allah. Just because some people claiming to be atheists and say this is wrong that is wrong' doesn't make it wrong! How many years have these mischief makers spent studying the scriptures? 0 ofcourse so why give importance to what they say or think? The message in its simplest for is there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. They will look for problems in these words too. Why? Because its their nature. Satan whispers to them and they speak it out loud. Whereas muslims don't. If u realise the source of these disbelievers confusion then I'm pretty sure it won't bother u as much anymore. Yes translations may have mistakes in wording because they are translations. That shouldn't bring doubt into ur mind because that is just a translation of the Qur'an. Also these people are just a part of the test from Allah SWT so we can see our own weaknesses in our faith when we see them. All praises are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. If u can't answer a certain thing its because u don't know simple as that. We have tafsir to understand the verses of the Qur'an. And the sayings and traditions of Muhammad pbuh in truth whocares what ridiculous accusations people make out of ignorance? And if it bothers u.. Then u owe it to urself to overcome the doubts by gaining knowledge. May Allah SWT safe guard our imaan. Ameen.

Unknown said...

allah give fredome to do something to human but the ability to do that ,is come from allah swt-correct?so allah give ability to achive halefire too?

Anonymous said...

logic and impossibilities are things you know. Therefor Allah is all-powerful over them

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing This Surah. I was finding Surah Baqarah for blog as well. This will make easy for me.

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